We'd like to give you a quick update on the submissions for the Zinnia Skirt Sewalong Competition.
Submission Date Extension
Something about the word 'deadline' is just creepy. So we're calling it a 'submission date' instead. And we have extended it until the 31st May! Why? The honest truth is that it's our first sewalong and, because we're aiming to ensure it's as clear and thorough as possible, it takes us a bit longer than expected to put together each of our blog posts.
Those of you who have already gone ahead and made your Zinnia Skirt can feel free to submit your garment at any time (details of how to do this below). And, with this extended submission date, you might even decide to submit a second one!
How to Submit
To submit your Zinnia Skirt, simply send an email with your photographs attached to Sewalongs@thestitcherystudio.com
Your email should include:
- Your full name
- Your postal address
- A contact telephone number.
- You may also like to describe your garment. For example what types of fabrics, buttons, etc. you used, or where you got your inspiration from.
- 3 photographs: one full length, one close-up framing the front, and one close-up framing the back. We've given examples of this below.
- Any other photographs you would like to include, showing off your sewing skills.
Taking Photographs
We've asked for 3 mandatory photographs of your garments: One full-length, one close-up of the front, and one close-up of the back. We've given some examples of these below using Cassandra's Zinnia Skirt (a work in progress!).
Our full-length shot
Our close-up of the front
Our close-up of the back
We highly recommend when taking these photographs that you take them during the daylight and, if possible, outdoors. This will give you the best light for your photos and it means you won't have to use a flash.
We would also ask that you don't add any filters or borders to your photos, like the ones found in Instagram.
If you wish to you may also submit further photographs to evidence your sewing skills on this project. For example, if you're using contrasting fabrics for the back and front of your skirt, as Cassandra has, you may wish to submit a photograph from the side. Or maybe you're particularly proud of your seams or pocket details. Whatever you want to show us, get creative and have some fun with the camera!
We took a photograph from the side to show off our contrasting fabrics
Our waistband detail (unfinished obviously…)
Patch pocket close-up
Seam detail
We look forward to seeing all your skirts and hope you have fun making them. See you at the next blog post!
Happy Sewing!